Saskia's Flower Essences

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Don’t get me wrong I love sending flower essences out to you all around the world knowing the flowers are going to where they are needed most and helping you in your life wherever you are and whatever you are struggling with but for me it’s giving consultations in person where the magic really shows up.

The excitement when  someone new knocks on the door and I have no idea of their story or their energy or what impact our interaction will have is what makes me really tick.

It’s when I get the chance to open my box of essences and ask the universe (through my pendulum) what flowers you need most for your healing –and every time it blows me away. To have discovered the gift I have and the connection I have with the flowers makes my heart sing, to know what I’m here for, in itself, is a gift.

 I have always been fascinated in people’s stories and how they behave, what they talk about, what their focus is, the trauma’s they have endured and how they’ve pulled through. For someone to come to me for help when they are going through a hard time, or for help with their self-development is an honour.

Flower Essences are ‘self-adjusting’ which means that they only work as deeply as you are ‘up for’ – although this might be an unconscious agreement- and people come for endless reasons. A crisis in their life may have occurred and they are in need of extra support, they might need essences to shift things on in their life, or to make things move for them in a smoother, less difficult way or to give them perspective on where they are at in their lives right now. The reasons are as different as the people themselves.

Because I use a pendulum to decide which essences are needed you don’t have to tell me everything that is going on for you – unless you want to and then there is space for that too. The sessions are informal and usually last less than an hour.

And then there are the shifts people make. How amazing to be able to give someone a bottle of flower energy and for them to experience profound shifts in their lives and outlook. Sometimes the effects are more subtle until they look back on their lives a few months later. Sometimes they feel the changes the next day (especially with children whose patterns are less stuck) and sometimes it might take a couple of weeks or so –and then sometimes people don’t notice anything which doesn’t mean nothing has happened it just might be in their subconscious that the shifts needed to happen.

Being able choose what essences someone needs and to be able to give them to them brings me joy and because I want this service to be available for all I keep my charges as low as possible.  For some people coming to me only once does the work that is needed and for others they come on a regular, semi-regular basis to get to the bottom of things.

If you live too far away to come to me in Wincanton (East Somerset) I can dowse for your essences online with an email and a recent photograph of yourself which also is amazingly effective (or you can book in for a Zoom session.)

And then there is the feedback I get ….

“I’m almost embarrassed to admit how distinctly different I feel today. No tears post-school run. No need to crawl back to bed because I feel so exhausted. Whether it’s your generous time yesterday, the remedies, or a combination of the two, thank you. It feels like I’ve turned a corner”

"Thank you so much - they arrived today and we are both feeling much better already - as ever you've worked your magic"

"My lovely friend gave me a combination of essences that you made for me. How lovely, the packaging, the bottle, the little card and even the beautiful book with all the information in. It’s really beautiful! This combination of flowers definitely suit me, everything just fits. I wanted to say thank you so much for doing such a wonderful thing for those who need a boost."

So if you feel that coming to me for a consultation is just what you need right now do get in touch….

 Like many natural health practitioners I find charging very difficult- it is a balance between what I feel my time is worth and what feels like a ’reasonable’ amount for someone to pay.

At the moment a session in person costs £50 in Wincanton and if you need me to travel to you we can arrange a price which includes your own personal blend.

If you are truly not able to afford this amount please let me know and I’m sure we can come to an arrangement. I am also happy to take more if you feel my services are worth more to you and this will enable me to drop the price for others with less income available.