Saskia's Flower Essences

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New Year, New You

Although just a date on the calender  New Year always bring a time of reflection, of hope for the future, a wishing we’d done something differently, a wishing that we had dealt with something in a ‘better’ way, a wishing that, overall, we could improve on our game (whatever that may mean to us).

There is no better time to take flower essences. Winter time, when we are drawn into introspection and digestion, brings with it long nights and dark days and space to analyse, to mull, to plan. The flowers of summer held magically in liquid bring their energy to heal and support and awaken desires. All we need to do is take them.

What is it you need help with? How do you want to change? What are you planning? Where could you go if only ……?

The nature kingdom is waiting for you to ask, waiting for you to reach out, waiting for you to notice all the lessons it has to give.

Flower essences not only bring awareness in a really safe and simple and effective way but they help with the shifts, the changes, the resolutions. Why do something alone when you can have flowers along for the ride.

Sometimes it’s hard knowing which flowers can help you the most so do please get in touch for advice on which essences might help you in the work (and play) you want help and support with in 2018.


Wishing you all the VERY BEST in the New Year,

Much love,
