Saskia's Flower Essences

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Sexy and Gorgeous

If the name of this combination essence makes you feel uncomfortable then this is the one for you.

Often we thought about changing the name of this combination so that it would make people feel more comfortable, something more general about confidence and self-esteem but then that was the whole reason we made it…. to help people feel sexier and more gorgeous and to help them get over the blocks they have about being that …it’s about being more in your body, about being unashamed of your desires, about feeling good about yourself and unafraid to let people see who you really are in all your imperfect  glory.

So even though changing the name might help sales it’s staying ….

 I remember being so excited when I came up with this combination from our range of single essences. The thought of being able to help people feel great about themselves, feel okay about being sexual, unlocking their power and going out there and saying ‘Hey this is me, here I am, aren’t I gorgeous, aren’t I fabulous?’ was really exciting (and still is).

Imagine what the world would be like if everyone believed they were truly beautiful inside and out.

Often people ask ‘does it work?’ I look at them sideways and give them my cheeky grin and say ‘what do you think?’  ….they look me up and down and nod slowly.

It’s been a long journey for me to feel Sexy and Gorgeous…and still I often don’t quite believe I can be, or am allowed to be…. I was a gawky teenager, I didn’t have my first proper boyfriend until my late teens, I don’t remember anyone saying how good I looked as I was growing up so why would I believe I was? For many years I was mostly unaware of my body – it did what it was supposed to do - why wouldn’t it? But it never really felt part of ‘me’, I was disconnected from it, uninterested in it, it felt pleasure (and gave it) but was it 'me'?, were these my feelings ? ….

 Believe me this essence has HELPED A LOT with the disconnection, the self-esteem, the self awareness, the fears.

And I’m sure it will help you too if you give it the chance.

Sexy and Gorgeous combination contains the flower essences of :
Potentilla  - for loving who your are
Wisteria - for increasing intimate expression
Gorse - for being full of sunshine and joy
Dandelion - for being fully present in your body
Buttercup - for self-confidence
Crab Apple - to liberate and clear any blockages and guilt

You can take a few drops when you need/want to or for longer held blockages and patterns you can take it twice a daily for several weeks at a time.

Flower essences only contain the energy of the plant they came from so are completely safe to use with other medication.

We are delighted to announce that this incredibly effective combination has recently been awarded Editors Choice in the International and highly acclaimed Beauty Shortlist Awards….